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Division Two – Newport Knights B 2½, Castlehill G 1½


Congratulations to Newport Knights B on their win, but it was close and all hinged on the last match to finish on the bottom board and boy what an epic!


Board One: Cosmo Bobak (1200)est CG 0 – 1 Andy Pye (1400) NKA

This was a good match and new member Cosmo played well against the more experienced Andy Pye. It was that experience that paid dividend’s especially when it comes to setting up the endgame advantage by going a pawn up on move 13 and inflicting gaping wounds in Cosmo`s (White’s) pawn structure! This was the deciding factor and despite Cosmo`s best efforts (and they were good”), Andy saw out the game!


Newport Knights B 1, Castlehill G 0


Board Two: Douglas Cairns (1391) NKA 0 – 1 Innes Ford (1180) CG
Steady approach by both players with Innes either missing or declining winning the e4 pawn for nothing on move 8! But Innes Ford`s play and/or his plan was being executed with determination and a touch of class! Douglas Cairns never got a look in after move 16 by black (Innes) and the match was all square!

Well played Innes, that is how you play team chess!


Newport Knights B 1, Castlehill G 1


Board Three: Norman Waugh (1160) CG ½ – ½ Scott Finnie (1340) NKB
What a game by Norman! Looking good for most of the match, Norman started losing pawns and Scott was in the driving seat. But then it all exchanged down to a rook endgame and this even if a few pawns down can be drawish! Credit to Norman, who used his experience and managed to get to a King v King and h pawn. Norman made sure he got to the h1 corner square and there was nothing Scott could do! Well played Norman!


Newport Knights B 1½, Castlehill G 1½


After all that, it all rested on the last match on the last board! Who was on the last board for Castlehill? A “Coleman“!
I wonder if he was an Arthur Scargill supporter.


Board Four: Angus Sneddon (1335) KNB 1 – 0 Daniel Coleman (1037) CG 

In the opening exchanges Daniel seemed to get the better of it. Unfortunately he missed a few opportunities to push home his advantage and throw Scott a lifeline instead! Scott did not take it and instead handed the advantage back to Daniel! By move 58 Daniel was looking on course to win but then the one thing Daniel had no control over was his nemesis, “TIME”! Angus had over 20 minutes, while Daniel was 2 or 3 minutes left and counting down like a doomsday clock!  Mistakes became the order of play for Daniel!


In a good position Daniel played  67…..f2?? What should he have played?

Yes 67….Rb2+ 68.Kc4 f2


That is the problem with “TIME” it is never your friend, tick, tock, starts playing on your mind, getting in side your head, screaming “move now, any move will do”!


Unlucky Daniel you played well over the board, but not your time management and that is the only thing that cost you the game. You out played Scott (1340), but he played his time better!


Newport Knights B 2½, Castlehill G 1½


Congratulations Newport Knights B who move up to 3rd place, while after 5 games Castlehill G sit bottom of division 2 without a win! Still time to show us what you have got. You have the players, just need that little bit of luck to turn things around!


The up to date TAFCA league table is on the home page of our website. Also for more info visit the TAFCA website.


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