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The responses to bidders’ queries for the chess clock contract

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August 23, 2019

As per Art 5.2 and 9.3 of the Chess Clock Bidding Procedure, FIDE publishes responses to queries received from bidders. Sources of the queries are not mentioned; queries were edited for clarity and identifying details were stripped.

Q: Is it possible to apply with one clock for only one or two categories (categories described in 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3)? For example, we would like to nominate our Clock A in Category 1.1, while our Clock B in Categories 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3.

A: A bidder can nominate a specific clock model in any number of categories (i.e., three, two, one). However, in the example above, if Clock A is nominated only in Category 1.1 and is not selected as a winner there, this clock will *not* be considered for Categories 1.2 and 1.3.

Q: It is stated in 8.1, that every bid has to be accompanied by a 1000 EUR fee. This fee is valid per clock and in the example above we need to pay 2000 EUR, or 4000 EUR as one clock runs in 1 category and the other clock in 3?

A: FIDE is committed to protecting and promoting fair market competition, as well as encouraging new entrants and the innovative solutions. Therefore, the fee is 1000 (one thousand) Euros per application, regardless of the number of clock models and the categories where they are entered.

Q: Our profit margins are low, and the bid fee seems high. If I pay 1000 Euros with such low profit margins it would only make sense for us to participate if someone else asks us to join them. Can I bid as a part of someone else's bid?

A: Yes, two or more bidders may form a consortium and submit a joint offer. Please see Art. 4.3 for terms and conditions.

Q: Regarding the prices, is it possible to offer different amounts in different categories? For example: The price to purchase 50 clocks in Category 1.1 is EUR 5000 and in Category 1.3 it is EUR 4000?

A: This is possible if a clock model is different. Lots of the same clock model shall be offered at the same price, even if it becomes a winner in more than one category.

We are looking forward to successful completion of the next steps of the bidding procedure. Please refer to the published document for the exact regulations.

FIDE Procurement Department


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