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Google - It appears that they have now decided to "be evil".

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Has anyone seen what Project Veritas has exposed about Google in recent days?

One of their executives is taped saying that they are working to prevent another "Trump Situation" like they had in 2016 by manipulating the search engine algorithm to favor his opposition.

A company insider has come forward to blow the whistle on what they are doing as well.

This ought to disturb us all:


Not only is Google about blacklisting, an internal document, found here, makes it plain that basic facts will be manipulated to fit the far left wing’s social justice agenda. The document says this: “If a representation is factually accurate, can it still be algorithmic unfairness?”

The document defines “algorithmic unfairness” this way:

“algorithmic unfairness” means unjust or prejudicial treatment of people that is related to sensitive characteristics such as race, income, sexual orientation, or gender, through algorithmic systems or algorithmically aided decision-making.”

By way of example the document says:

… imagine that a Google image query for “CEOs” shows predominantly men. Even if it were factually accurate representation of the world, it would be algorithmic unfairness because it would reinforce a stereotype about the role of women in leadership positions.

Got that? Facts — reality — are “algorithmic unfairness” if they do not promote the far left wing’s social justice agenda. Identity politics is all.


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