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How to Clean Your Nostrils: 13 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

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CategoriesHealthRespiratory System HealthNose HealthDownload ArticleExplore this Articlemethods1Using a Nasal Wash2Using Nasal SprayOther SectionsCommentsVideoWATCH NOWTips and WarningsRelated ArticlesReferencesArticle SummaryCo-authored byChris M. Matsko, MDLast Updated: December 4, 2024ApprovedDownload ArticleARTICLEVIDEOWhen your nose becomes congested, it can become difficult to breathe properly. Luckily, you can breathe easy again by cleaning your nostrils with a nasal spray or a nasal wash.Method 1Method 1 of 2:Using a Nasal WashDownload Article1Buy a nasal wash kit with salt solution or make your own solution. Nasal washes are good for relieving nasal symptoms if you have chronic nasal issues or sinus problems. Washing the inside of your nose with a salt solution will reduce swelling, improve airflow, and open up your sinus passages. It will also remove mucus from your nose and help to relieve any stuffiness or congestion. Look for nasal wash kits at your local pharmacy or make...


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