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Understanding the Reason for a Referral to an Orthopedic | PCN

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Orthopedic urgent care centers provide quick and competent assessment, stabilization, and treatment of mild to moderate musculoskeletal injuries. However, some orthopedic injuries require referral to a specialist.Let’s talk about what an orthopedic specialist does, the reasons for these medical evaluations, and where you can find the best orthopedic specialist in Fairless Hills, PA.The Functions of an Orthopedic SpecialistAn orthopedic specialist has advanced credentials and experience in evaluating and treating musculoskeletal conditions, diseases, and injuries. This physician usually has additional training in surgery (such as joint replacement procedures), sports medicine, and degenerative conditions (such as arthritis) in areas of the body, such as the hip, knee, shoulder, spine, and more.The orthopedic specialist uses manual and visual examination, along with high-tech imaging techniques, to arrive at diagnoses. Imaging can include digital X-rays, ultrasound imaging, MRIs, and CT...


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