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Language Learning: Comparing Native and Non-Native Speaker Vocabulary

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Tags: The More You Know, interpreter, Language Services, News, Non native speaker 4 Minute Read In 2014, CyraCom published a blog post focused on the challenge of learning English as an immigrant to the United States. Our goal was to highlight the work that non-native English speakers put into learning the language, and to dispel the notion that US residents who do not speak the language perfectly have somehow been negligent.The post has since become one of our most popular blogs, garnering thousands of views in the past year alone. And in a time when the nation struggles to reach a consensus on immigration, its message appears more poignant than ever. Here's an updated version of the blog post:Many immigrants who come to the US become quite proficient and fluent in English in addition to their native language. For the 60 million who speak another language at home, nearly 60% report that they speak English very well.But how does that compare to the abilities and knowledge of a native s...


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