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3 underrated Netflix movies you should watch this weekend (July 19-21) | Digital Trends

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Unless you just fell out of a tree, you’d know that the biggest movie out right now is Twisters. The quasi-sequel to the 1996 hit movie has received unusually ecstatic reviews for a summer popcorn flick, which may tempt a lot of people to make the brave trek to a crowded movie theater to watch it.ContentsThe Paper (1994)The Teacher’s Lounge (2023)Hunter Killer (2018)Not me, though. Nope, I’m content with maximizing my too-expensive Netflix subscription and watching some underrated gems. No, I’m not talking about Hillbilly Elegy, I’m taking about ignored movies with Gerard Butler on a submarine, German teachers freaking the hell out, and Michael Keaton desperately trying to get a newspaper story right before his deadline approaches. The three movies below are all guaranteed to entertain you this weekend. If they don’t, may the heavens curse me with a bad plate of pasta on my birthday.Recommended VideosThe Paper (1994)Ron Howard is no one’s idea of an exciting director. Even though he wo...


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