Browse logs in the logs table — Splunk Observability Cloud documentation
Docs » Splunk Log Observer Connect » Browse logs in the logs table NoteCustomers with a Splunk Log Observer entitlement in Splunk Observability Cloud must transition from Log Observer to Log Observer Connect by December 2023. With Log Observer Connect, you can ingest more logs from a wider variety of data sources, enjoy a more advanced logs pipeline, and expand into security logging. See Splunk Log Observer transition to learn how.At the center of the Log Observer display is the logs table,which displays log records as they come in. The most recent logs appear at thebeginning of the table. Scan the Severity to find importantseverity levels, then select in the record line to see the record details.These features help you browse the logs table:Load log records by scrolling the table. As you scroll, you see records for log events that occurred in the past. The logs table doesn’t have a scrolling limit, so you can scroll to see the oldest records.When new log records are available, a promp...