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RTX Remix - Q&A with NVIDIA

0 31
I'm thinking about remastering Unreal Tournament 2004 - a highly beloved game! But seeing as it's a multiplayer arena shooter, I wonder how that'd work out. We'd have to remaster all the custom maps. When connecting to a server that's playing a map you don't have, would the game be able to detect the assets from RTX Remix that accompany the map and download them? Probably not right? What if we're connecting to a server that doesn't use RTX, or someone without RTX tries to connect to a server that does use it? Would they be able to play together? If you go from an RTX map to a non-RTX map, would the renderer handle it properly?-ArgonilHey Argonil,We look forward to seeing your future experiments with RTX Remix! On to your questions:I'm thinking about remastering Unreal Tournament 2004 - a highly beloved game! But seeing as it's a multiplayer arena shooter, I wonder how that'd work out. We'd have to remaster all the custom maps. When connecting to a server that's playing a map you don't...


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