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Miguel Relationship Guide - My Time at Sandrock | Gamer G...

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Miguel is the pastor at the Church of the Light. He is in Sandrock from the start of the game and is pretty easy to give gifts to. In addition, Miguel has an extensive social network, making it even easier to get his Friendship Points up. The guide below goes over where to find Miguel, how to romance him, how to marry him, and what gifts he likes and loves. Subscribe to Premium to Remove AdsView Full-sizeMiguel can usually be found at the Church of the Light or in the Sandrock plaza.Where to Find Miguel¶Miguel is rather easy to find and lives in Sandrock from the start of the game. He’s the pastor at the Church of the Light so you can usually find him inside the church, located at the top of Sandrock. He will walk down the stairs to the main plaza from time to time and come to the weekly sermons on the Blue Moon Saloon stage. He has a larger social network consisting of Pen, Dan-bi, Burgess, and Matilda. Getting close to these characters will help you increase your friendship with Migu...


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