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WebMD Health Services Discusses Website Accreditation - URAC

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When your mission is toempower actions that improve people’s well-being and outcomes, it’s critical to ensure the data and information you produce and manage is of the highest quality,both in terms of content andsecurity. Perhaps that’s why WebMDHealth Servicesis committed to going “the extra mile” to attain high standards and have those standards accredited by a respected third party, says Jennifer Dressler BSN, RN, CPHQ, Director, Clinical Services at WebMDHealth Services.“Everyone is concernedaboutthe security and accuracy of their electronichealthinformation,”Dressler says, “and having URACHealth Website Accreditationsatisfies both concerns.” WebMDHealth Serviceswasinitially accreditedJuly 1, 2014 andcontinues to maintain their accreditationtoday.A Valued And Respected SourceWebMDHealth Servicesprovides credible information, supportive communities, and in-depth reference material about important health subjects.For decades, it has beena valued and respected source for original and...


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