Cost of Living in Salem, MA | Flyhomes
Are you planning a move to Salem, MA and wondering if it is an expensive place to live in? We’ll break down the cost of living in Salem by answering the following key questions - what is expected cost of living Salem, what is the median income in Salem, what is a good livable salary in Salem, and what are the average rent and home prices in Salem.Is Salem expensive to live in?Salem is part of Boston Metro Div. metro area, which is ranked 7 out of 273 cities across the US in terms of cost of living. According to C2ER (the Council for Community and Economic Research), the cost of living in Salem is estimated to be 150.3% of the national average making it one of the most expensive cities in the US.Total monthly expenditure you can expect to incur depends on the cost of housing, food, utilities, transportation, healthcare, other miscellaneous goods and services. Note that your household composition (single or married, number of kids) and home ownership status (renting vs. owning) might aff...