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Customers Who Ride for Free | Reduced Fares

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The MBTA offers free service to children, military personnel, public servants, and government officials.ChildrenChildren age 11 and under ride the MBTA for free. Groups including 10 or more children (regardless of the number of chaperones), must register their travel using the field trip form.Military PersonnelActive-duty military personnel ride all MBTA services for free. If in plainclothes, please present a valid military ID to MBTA staff. If in uniform, no identification is necessary.Police Officers and FirefightersMassachusetts State Police troopers and police officers and firefighters in towns within the MBTA’s service area ride the T for free when in full uniform and wearing an official badge. Plainclothes detectives ride for free if they present their official badge.Government OfficialsCommonwealth Department of Public Utilities employees, anyone accompanying them, and state elevator inspectors ride the MBTA for free when they present a Public Official ID.


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