What Do Our Nightmares Mean? - Viva Center
Sleep is supposed to be restful; yet when we’re having a nightmare, it’s anything but. Whether we’re being terrorized by a fictional monster (that girl fromThe Ring, anyone?) or grieving a dreamed loss, nightmares steal our energy away rather than restoring it. So why do we have nightmares? And how can we reduce their severity or frequency?What are nightmares?Psychology Todaydefines nightmares asdreams that evoke “fear, anxiety, or sadness.”They occur during the “rapid eye movement” (REM) stage of sleep, often later in the night, and tend to awaken the sleeper;common themes include falling, losing one’s teeth, and being unprepared for an exam.For 1 percent of the population, nightmares occur so frequently and are so debilitating that one may be diagnosed withnightmare disorder, the criteria for which includes:Repeatedly awakening with detailed recollection of frightening dreams about threats to survival, security, or physical integrity;Being oriented and alert upon awakening;Experienci...