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The Democraps

Starting this thread with news about Pocahontas aka Senator Elizabeth Warren....

1) Her influence on the stupid new rule from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) will hurt the average American, especially those seeking some kind of bank loan. What is this rule? It removes from consideration all medical bill debt from the credit rating firms, like TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian, thus theoretically raising the average credit score by 20 points. Well...HELLO! don't you think the banks and other commercials lenders know this? They do! So, guess what, the floor for qualifying for loans just went up....[drum roll please] 20 points! Duh! But even worse, those folks whose credit score was too low but not as a result of unpaid medical bills now fall into the same boat as those who had that in their credit history. Stupid ass Warren and the other clueless dems just hurt hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of average Americans struggling to qualify for loans, like home mortgages.

Another example of the old adage, "the best government is limited (or no) government."

2) Whoa! Peter Hegseth vying to become Secretary of Defense has something that greatly alarms Senator Warren. So much so, she says, she lost sleep over this and is calling for Hegseth to be removed from consideration for the position of Secretary of Defense. What does Pete have that is so alarming to Warren? is a tattoo that reads "Jesus" with a cross next to the name. Whoa!

Speaks for itself...


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