MSMAP :: Be Prepared / The Three A's
A straight forward approach to self-defense is something called The 3 A's.AwarenessAwareness is a knowledge of people and the environment in the immediate vicinity. Ideally, awareness helps an individual to circumvent and remove herself from a potentially harmful situation.Scan The Area. And keep scanning. Keep your eyes up. Look around. Pay attention to what and who is nearby. Make it a habit to always look around.People. Who is nearby? What are they doing? Where are they going?Comfort Zone. How close can people be to you before you feel uncomfortable? Where are your “comfort zone” boundaries?Doors and Windows. How many doors are nearby? Where are the doors? Where is the entrance and exit?Distracted. Don’t be distracted or preoccupied with other tasks (Vogt, 15).Intuition. Put it all together with intuition.IntuitionWhat is Intuition?The simple explanation of intuition is that it is our decision-making shortcut. Commonly referred to as a “Gut Feeling” or a “Snap Judgement”, intuition...