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FanPost Friday: Broken branches and leaf-clogged drains

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just guys bein’ dudes | Photo by Christopher Mast/Getty Images

Looking back on the end of season poll results and watching the rain fall

Hello and welcome back to FanPost Friday. Apologies for missing the last couple weeks, but between hectic work/life things and the lack of zeal to write about the Mariners right now....not gonna lie, it’s been tough to find anything interesting or nice to say lately. But, as I look out the window today and watch the autumn rain fall, I can’t help but re-visit The Green Fields of the Mind yet again in order to yearn for times of hope again.

“...then as soon as the chill rains come, it stops and leaves you to face the fall alone. You count on it, rely on it to buffer the passage of time, to keep the memory of sunshine and high skies alive, and then just when the days are all twilight, when you need it most, it stops.”

Things may feel grim, sad, and hopeless right now, but they always come back around and there’s always something or someone to root for at the beginning of every baseball season.

Let’s take a look at the end of season poll I ran about a month ago. The results were justifiably spicy!

All right, glad we’ve settled that one. Good job, LL Hive Mind.

This one is pretty surprising to me, but I guess it goes to show how far reaching LL’s readership is. A huge chunk of readers do not live within a short drive to Seattle. And also I feel like LL’s readership does tend to include a lot of fans who are justifiably frustrated with the team and are not in any huge rush to spend money on the team, so that 45% percent makes sense when you frame it like that.

Typo in the question aside, this is pretty bad news for anyone currently working in sales for the Mariners front office.

The obvious choice, of course. God dammit, Mariners. Mickey Mouse’s corpse hitting a ball with a bat made out of Gene Autry’s femur would have been more formidable than the 2024 Angels of Anaheim.

The hate for Garv-Sauce is pretty justified given the choices and there’s really no defending how poorly Julio played for a large bulk of the season, fair or not. The 7 people who voted for Luke Raley, though.....straight to the contraption.

Speaks for itself!

There was a brief period when the YES votes were 54%.

For me, this will be the most interesting story to follow this offseason. Given John Stanton’s brief remarks in this interview, it seems unlikely that Dipoto will be fired if we’re taking him at his word. A lot could happen between now and the end of the offseason, though.

I knew that 3rd option would be popular. I love wishful thinking, it’s so fun.

Photo by Steph Chambers/Getty Images

All right, wrapping things up, here’s your prompt:

Which poll results surprised you the most? Which one do you disagree with the most?

Discuss in the comments!

Have a good weekend and go Kraken!


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