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What is the ATI TEAS Exam and other FAQs

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Your Top Questions Answered by ATI about the TEAS Exam The ATI TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) Exam is a standardized test used by many nursing schools and allied health programs to assess a candidate's readiness for their program.Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about the ATI TEAS Exam:What is the ATI TEAS Exam? The ATI TEAS Exam is a standardized test used to evaluate a candidate's basic academic skills, such as reading, math, science, and English language usage. It is designed to assess whether a candidate has the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in a nursing or allied health program.How is the TEAS structured? The TEAS is divided into four sections: reading, math, science, and English and language usage, and is given in that specific order. Each section of the exam is timed separately, you must complete a section before moving on to the next section of the exam. You may go back and forth to questions within a section, however, once you close th...


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