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Cervical ripening methods when induction is part of the birth plan | Your Pregnancy Matters | UT Southwestern Medical Center

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There are many reasons moms-to-be might be interested in or need induction of labor. Patients might have decided that they:Are tired of being pregnant (and have made it toat least 39 weeks).Want to avoid a certain delivery date, such as a holiday. Alternatively, some patients have determined that some dates are favorable and want to deliver their babies on those specific dates.Need to arrange delivery around a loved one’s schedule. We’ve had women ask to be induced so their parents can arrange travel from overseas to be with them or a partner can be furloughed from the military and attend the delivery.If your pregnancy is uncomplicated, it is best to wait to go into natural or spontaneous labor. In some situations, induction will be necessary because a complication has arisen that warrants delivery, such as preeclampsia or going significantly past your due date.Your cervix plays a big role in determining the success of induction of labor. During pregnancy, the cervix usually is firm an...


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