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habitat, types, food and characteristics – Virtual Workers of America

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We explain what a monkey is, the types that exist and what the habitat of this primate is like. In addition, we explain its characteristics, diet and more.Monkeys are mammals and primates with high intelligence.What is Monkey?It is called a monkey a mammal and primate animal, which accompanies the human being in its zoological classification (taxon) and resembles it physically and behaviorally more than any other animal in the world. It is a close relative of our species, although not as close as other types of primates such as the gorilla or the chimpanzee.These are higher animals, endowed with a high margin of intelligencewhich allows them to socialize, organize hierarchically and solve problems in an original way.There are around 260 species of monkey on the planet.mostly arboreal. Each species has a different name, which is often used in popular terms as if they were more or less synonymous: macaque, baboon, monkey, etc. The name “monkey” is also used as a synonym for “ape”, althou...


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