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Honolulu Condos Price / Ft² & Maintenance Fees

0 29
The data on this page - price & maintenance fees / ft² of condos in Honolulu - is automatically updated once per day (just before 7am - Hawaii time - to be exact), keeping the findings / results relevant and current. It is organized by the most expensive condos / ft² listed at the top. We have a similar page for Honolulu single-family homes, which you can see right here. If you want to understand our thought process and how the calculations came together, click here to read. Background Understanding how price / ft² and maintenance fees / ft² compare across condos in Honolulu, has helped many of our clients get a better sense of how their 'favorite' condo(s) fits in the mix. We therefore decided to put this guide together, to benefit the general public, organizing condos by price / ft² and including each condo’s maintenance fees / ft². The data is meant to give a general sense as to how expensive a given building is vs other buildings, but not meant to help in determining a fair market...


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