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Submit your piece to write for Athletics Nation!

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Texas Rangers v Oakland Athletics
Photo by Michael Zagaris/MLB Photos via Getty Images

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Hello Athletics Nation!

Back in July, we put out a call for new writers and began accepting applications to join the team here at AN. Now that the season is over and the offseason is on pause, let’s pick up where we left off.

As a reminder, we’re looking for a few independent contractors to write posts on Athletics Nation. They will work remotely, and be paid a monthly stipend based on expected production on an agreed-upon schedule. To clarify, these positions don’t involve reporting live from the Coliseum and don’t include any kind of press credentials to get into games.

If you submitted an application over the summer, then you don’t need to do so again because we still have them all. If you haven’t yet submitted an application and you wish to take part in this process, then click here to fill one out.


The next step is a writing sample.

The topic can be anything at all related to the Oakland A’s — discuss a storyline surrounding the current team, or analyze some stats, or talk about a particular player, or go back and rewatch a game from the past and do a recap, or dig into some club history, or whatever else might come to mind. Please keep your piece within the range of 500 to 1,000 words, but the style and substance are completely up to you.

There are a few different ways you can submit this sample. Choose whichever you like!

  • Write a FanPost (click here)
  • Email it to me (
  • Already write something in 2021? Email it to me or share the link in the comments section

The deadline is the end of January, but the sooner the better.

Here are the instructions again, in list form:

  • Any topic related to the A’s
  • 500 to 1,000 words
  • Submit via your choice of FanPost, email, or a link to something you wrote in the past 12 months
  • Due by end of January
  • If you didn’t already send an application, click here to fill one out

The only qualifications necessary are a love for A’s baseball, knowledge of the team, something interesting to say about them, and the ability to put those thoughts into words that people want to read.

Want to write about the A’s for Athletics Nation? Here’s your chance! Show me what you got.


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