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60 Days of Summer: MLB and Fantasy with COVID

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As one might conclude, here at Razzball we've started focusing on what baseball and fantasy baseball will look like as we plod forward through this mess, and I have to admit, it's a bit weird. Ignoring the bottle of Corona in the room and the fact that this may not even work out as the U.S. struggles to contain the first wave (can't have a second if you never stop the first! *points at forehead*), the current sports experiments going-on ultimately leave us with the possibility of having a bit of entertainment while we safely hunker down in out mother's basement, so we must at least entertain the idea that baseball and fantasy baseball will become a reality. As I'm wont to do, the content I've been working on has more of a WWJD (What Would Jay Do?) slant, and the last and first post in this series generally went over the types of batters I'd be focusing on in this truncated 60-day stretch. While I'll be treating pitchers to the same exposé at a later date, with this post, I'd like to tackle the nitty-gritty side of it all, and that's the broader changes we'll see to the MLB and fantasy apparatus as we stay six feet apart while not coughing on each other. You know, proper pandemic etiquette...


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