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15U Girls Lower Mainland/Fraser Valley Super Series – Important Parking Information at Harry Jerome Sports Centre


We understand that parking at the Harry Jerome Sports Centre can be challenging and stressful. To make the event experience smoother for all attendees, Volleyball BC has developed a parking management system designed to alleviate these concerns.


  • Limited Parking Access for Each Team: Each team has been designated three (3) parking passes to help manage parking logistics. Teams should operate their own shuttle service for players, coaches, and spectators to mitigate facility parking complications. Athletes, coaches, and spectators must display their parking pass on their dash and present it to the attendant. Vehicles must be parked in marked stalls within the HJSC parking lot.


  • How/Where to Collect Passes: Passes may be collected via the round-about off Barnet Highway. An attendant will be positioned at the round-about at 7:30 AM under a marked VBC tent to distribute the parking passes to nominated individuals ahead of the event. Please see the attached map for the precise location.


  • How to Use the Parking Pass: Any vehicle with a displayed parking pass may use any available stall in the HJSC parking lot, except for staff-designated stalls, referee spaces, and wheelchair-marked spots.


Parking Pass Distribution


The Head Coach from each team has been designated for pass pick-up. Each team may also designate a Team Manager or Team Parent to pick-up the allocated parking passes on the team’s behalf. The responsibility is on each team to coordinate the distribution of these parking passes to elected team representatives (e.g., parent drivers, relatives, etc…).


The details of the designated individual MUST be communicated to the Lower Mainland Regional Manager before 5:00 PM on Friday, January 31st, 2025. At this time, the pass holder list will be printed for the following day’s parking attendants.


Parking passes will be issued on both Saturday and Sunday in the same format. Passes differ from day to day, and previous day passes will be voided.



Athlete drop-off will occur at the same location as pass pick-up (across the street from Harry Jerome Sports Centre)


Cautionary Notes

If a vehicle approaches the Harry Jerome Sports Centre gates without a valid Volleyball BC parking pass, the vehicle will be asked to turn around and will not be granted access to the venue.


To avoid traffic congestion on the highway, please ensure this information is communicated to all team members. Our parking attendants will also communicate this policy to drivers who attempt to enter without a pass.


Additional Parking:

Alongside the parking pass system, we wanted to provide a list of alternative parking solutions for event attendees:


Barnet Hwy Parking Lot


The lot across from Harry Jerome Sports Centre will be available from 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM on both days. This lot holds up to 30 vehicles. In the case of inclement weather, availability may be delayed as the City of Burnaby determines accessibility.

Marine Park Parking Lot

Additional parking stalls can be found further down Barnet Hwy near Barnet Marine Park. This is public parking and subject to City of Burnaby regulations.

Street Parking
Limited street parking is available in the surrounding neighborhoods of Harry Jerome Sports Centre. Please comply with city bylaws and be mindful of the local community.


Final Notes

As members of Volleyball BC, we understand the frustrations surrounding event parking and are actively seeking solutions for the remainder of the club season. We ask for your compliance and support in this initiative to help ensure a positive experience for all event attendees.


If you have any further questions, please contact lm@volleyballbc.org or fv@volleyballbc.org

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