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Charity Tennis Video - the 2.6 Challenge

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Stuart Murray our Head Tennis Coach has created a number of videos to keep everyone active during the lock-down period. Here's a video and a challenge with a difference. The aim is to raise money for NHS charities......please support and take part....   Stuart says: "There’s a challenge (2.6 Challenge) that I’ve done a tennis version of, and linked to a Just Giving page for an NHS charity" Here’s a link to the video And here’s the link to the Just Giving page And here is a QR code that can be used to donate:    If you would like to see some of Stuart's other videos, then follow him on Twitter , Instagram or Facebook   I particularly like Stuart's Easter video , but you have to watch it right to the end.......and of course you have to try it out for yourself.....     Wishing you and your families good health - and I look forward to seeing everyone on a tennis court soon.   Ruth Samuels Tennis Chairman


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