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Tennis legend Federer smashes the stylish lockdown look in a pink shirt and gilet while riding a scooter

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ROGER FEDERER was court looking ace as he smashed the lockdown look in a pink shirt, sunglasses and a gilet.

The Swiss tennis superstar was also seen riding a scooter as he sits out the coronavirus pandemic at his plush home in Switzerland.

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Roger Federer was seen scooting around his plush home in Switzerland as he sits out coronavirus lockdown

The tennis superstar was spotted in a pink shirt and gilet as he took to the court for some practice

The Swiss recently revealed he was devastated after Wimbledon was cancelled

The 38-year-old set out for practice in the jazzy ensemble before he was later seen relaxing in the grounds of his Swiss pad having got changed into something a little more subtle.

Earlier this month, Wimbledon was called off – one of the highest-profile sporting casualties of the worldwide coronavirus crisis.

For the first time since 1945 – the final year of the Second World War – there will be no Grand Slam in SW19.

The famous two-week event, which was set to take place on Monday June 29, was cancelled following an emergency board meeting held on teleconference between Wimbledon chiefs.

And eight-time singles champion Federer tweeted: “Devastated.”

The 38-year-old was later seen relaxing after getting changed

But he vowed to return with a vengeance next year when he will be 39.

All England Club bosses were forced to cancel the grass-court Grand Slam because of the coronavirus crisis but had insurance policies in place.

The SW19 grounds and medical equipment are now be available for the NHS – as first reported by SunSport.

Federer, 38, said: “I can’t wait to come back next year.

“It only makes us appreciate our sport even more during these times.”


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The legendary star and wife Mirka have joined the fight against the pandemic themselves by donating £860,000 in order to help the most vulnerable families in Switzerland.

Federer said: “These are challenging times for everyone and nobody should be left behind.

“Mirka and I have personally decided to donate one million Swiss francs for the most vulnerable families in Switzerland.

“Our contribution is just a start. We hope that others might join in supporting more families in need.

“Together we can overcome this crisis. Stay healthy.”

Federer has won 20 Grand Slam titles in his glittering career – the most in men’s history and has been at the top of the sport for two decades.

And the eight-time Wimbledon champion admitted he knows he is very privileged – and he’s now put his power to good use.


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