ISET College Table Tennis Coaching--a Success!
Orlando, Florida at the 2018 USA Table Tennis US Open was the location for the most recent ISET College Table Tennis Coaching class. Alan Chu, Willy Leparulo and Logan Zimmerman were the class conductors. Zimmerman is a recent coaching class graduate and NCTTA Coaching Committee member, from Florida State University.
Thanks to ISET for their continued support of the program which serves to create more professional college table tennis coaches throughout the country. NCTTA's overall goal is to create more retention among schools and help create more scholarship programs. Thanks to Joola for use of their tables and to Gordon Kaye and Mark Thompson of USA Table Tennis for their incredible hospitality and assistance throughout.
Leparulo says, "Without their help we wouldn't be able to hold this class at the US Open. We are so fortunate to have such willing partners." The US Open featured some amazing competition, but beforehand there was this amazing class where a who's who of Florida's top College Table Tennis programs were in attendance from University of South Florida, University of Central Florida, Florida International University and Florida State University.
Thanks to all that participated in the event!
Newly certified coaches are above