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John Wick creator Derek Kolstad is reportedly working on a Streets of Rage movie

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Sega’s classic side-scrolling beat ’em up Streets of Rage is likely heading to the silver screen.

As reported by Deadline, John Wick creator Derek Kolstad is likely working on a film adaptation of Streets of Rage. Nothing else is known about the movie right now, but Kolstad’s experience with high-octane thrillers would make him an excellent choice. If there’s one thing Sega does well, it’s working with the right folks on solid adaptations.

The original Streets of Rage trilogy came out in the early 1990s, with each entry being massive hits in arcades and on Sega consoles. Imagine an onslaught of grimy, white-knuckle brawls across the most violent city ever, and that’s the gist of Streets of Rage — vigilante justice on steroids.

After vanishing for several decades, the series reemerged with Streets of Rage 4 in 2020. If you’ve not checked that one out, fix that immediately.

With how ludicrously successful Sonic the Hedgehog 2’s theatrical run has been, it only makes sense that Sega aims to have more of its classic franchises turned into movies. Personally, I’m of the opinion that the world desperately needs a Sega Bass Fishing film by David Lynch. Don’t ask why; just let that imagination run wild.

Written by Kyle Campbell on behalf of GLHF.


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