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Fundraiser put on for 7th grade softball player undergoing brain surgery

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ALBANY, N.Y. (NEWS10) - A hit-a-thon was put on Saturday morning by the Collar City Fastpitch team. The fundraiser invited over 16 travel softball teams from all over New York State, totaling nearly 500 girls, to Frozen Ropes training field in Albany. Thousands of dollars were raised for 7th grader Payton Smith of the Collar City Fastpitch team, who is undergoing brain surgery in February.

Payton Smith was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of seven and has struggled to control the disease with medication. Payton's mom, Kristy, said that they have tried 13 different medications in the past; doctors now recommend stereo electroencephalography and brain surgery.

The Collar City Fastpitch coach, Alayna Laranjo, said that Payton can have up to 4 to 5 seizures a day and sometimes while playing softball, but that it doesn't keep her from playing the sport she loves.

"I just want to go right back out there, and I am fine afterwards, and I just want to play with my softball friends and do everything I can," Payton said.

Payton has a surgery scheduled for February at the Boston Children’s Hospital. In an effort to help her and her family take on the medical bill, Alayna invited the softball players to support Payton and get a few extra pitches thrown their way.

"I have people coming from northern Adirondacks; we have organized Classy Lassie, Adirondacks, Latham," Laranjo said. "So many I can’t name them all. Just seeing the softball community come together has been amazing."

After her surgery, Payton said she plans to continue to play softball through high school and college.


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