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Kontides criticises sailing federation over exclusion

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Olympic silver medallist Pavlos Kontides has sent a letter of dissatisfaction to the president of the Cyprus Sailing Federation (KIO) Yiannos Fotiou regarding the exclusion of the KIO’s representation in the upcoming Cyprus Olympic Committee (KOE) elections from the federation’s board meeting agenda.

In his letter, Kontides said that he wanted to formally express his views following a meeting on August 27, during which Fotiou refused to include the issue of KIO’s representation in the KOE elections, scheduled for September 25.

Kontides referenced the federation’s constitution, explaining that, according to Article 7(c), “the federation is represented in all international relations, including KOE, by the president, vice president, secretary, or another person authorised by the board”.

He argued that the article clearly requires the matter to be included in the board’s agenda to decide who will represent KIO in the KOE elections.

He warned that any other procedure would be unconstitutional and could invalidate the elections.

Kontides added that there appears to be interest in representing KIO in these elections both from himself and the federation’s president.

Therefore, he urged that the issue be discussed at the next board meeting before the deadline for notifying KOE and that members should vote on who should represent the federation in the elections.

The silver medallist from the London and Paris Olympics further stressed that the vote should be conducted by secret ballot to avoid any misunderstandings.

Finally, Kontides expressed his disappointment that he was not formally informed of Fotiou’s refusal to include the matter in the agenda and had to learn about it from third parties.

In his letter, he also said he hopes that the KOE president “will reconsider his decision and include the issue in the upcoming board meeting”, further requesting that his letter be shared with the other board members.


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