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Forum posts not displaying - apostrophes - by: Aidan Whiteley


Some may have noticed that the occasional SYC forum post has not been displaying correctly  - the page has been blank.

The problem  has been reported to the developer  of our (free) forum software but they cannot replicate / fix. The problem  occurs  when an apostrophe (single quote) appears in the topic title and, occasionally, in the text of a forum  post.

The interim solution is simple. Pretend you were not taught about apostrophes at school and do not use them (and check your auto correct has not poppsed one or more in for you).

There is a large upgrade to the SYC website software and hosting waiting in the wings. When the time is right to put this live it is expected that this problem  should stop happening.


P.S. This problem has been happening for a while and I have been fixing occurences by tweaking the data in the database.  However, I am not near a PC for a bit so I cannot currently  do this which is why the problem is currently happening.


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