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Tricky weather conditions at National Sailing Championships

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The Royal Malta Yacht Club hosted the Malta Sailing Federation National Championships in what were challenging conditions. These conditions have dogged this event since last year, when bad weather on the previously scheduled dates forced the organisers to postpone. Weather conditions for the first day of racing, saw them test the Race Committee who had to contend with a West North Westerly wind, which was gusting up to 34 knots and a sea swell going well over two metres.  These adverse conditions meant that only the ILCA 7 Class, were able to fit two races in the afternoon. Sunday proved to be slightly better albeit still tricky, with the days starting off with very low wind conditions and intermittent heavy downpours. Although the rain persisted throughout the day, the sun did make a small appearance from time to time and as the day progressed the wind shifted to a steady North Westerly, increasing to around 25 knots. This meant that all classes managed to fit in the required number of qualifying races. Read full story on



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