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Members' End-of-May Update

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The Club has been open for eight days now following the lockdown which began in March. Many Members have enjoyed the very pleasant weather and sailed, canoed or paddled on the river. It is sometimes difficult to maintain the social distancing rules but in general most people have adapted responsibly.

To make life a little easier, sanitiser dispensers have been placed at strategic points and shortly, wash hand basins will be placed outside the changing rooms to reduce the necessity of entry. Drinking water is available from the tap between Galley and Race Box.

The Sailing Committee has produced a list of two-handed boats that may be sailed single-handed and another of those which are strictly not to be.


  • RS200
  • RS400
  • Merlin
  • National 12
  • Feva
  • Small cruising dinghies such as Mirror, Gull, Wanderer
  • Dart 18 and 15

Specifically excluded are all trapeze two-man boats, e.g. Hornet, Hurricane, Laser 2 , RS800, Fireball.

Please respect these rules to keep safe and reduce the risk of accidents. Check your rig to avoid breakages and do a wind speed check before sailing.



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