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The Virtual Terrace • Get rid

I never liked them but now I truly loathe them.

Stupid club monikers that’s what.

They are cheap and meaningless and imo add nothing.

All the clubs who don’t have silly animal names and badges look so much classier.

Hull FC
Wakefield Trinity
St Helens (who had far to much class to ever entertain the idea in the first place)

All sound better and all have better logos and thus a far more professional look.

Of course some of the animal branded teams work better than others. Castleford Tigers and Warrington Wolves have a certain ring to them.

I accept there is a certain history to Salford Red Devil’s though frankly I feel it’s probably to late to really reclaim it.

The rest are cheap, meaningless and tbh these days not even effective - people have moved on from daft tat like that and can see straight through it.

Giants and Dragons and Broncos are all plain embarrassing. However the two worst one are Leeds Rhinos (what the hell have Leeds got to do with Rhinos) and Wigan Warriors, a seriously unimaginative steal from NZ.

Leeds and Wigan are two of our three premier clubs, hugely recognisiable in there own right. Leeds as a major city is worth its weight in gold it doesn’t need a silly name tagging on, pLeeds RL was just fine.

As for Wigan, Wigan are by far our most famous and recognised club and as such need no embellishment. What’s worse is they only seem to use the Warrior tag half heartedly, which makes it even worse.

I’m sure the amazing number of marketing experts who seem to inhabit the VT will tell me what a great marketing tool they are. Well maybe once at the inception of SL but now they just look tired and jokey so I don’t buy that argument.

When Wakefield reverted to Trinity I know Carter was very nervous and only did it due to fans demands. He’s never regretted it since as Trinity merchandise flies off the shelf in a way Wildcats stuff never did. Although some of that is due to the teams improved performances the bulk is not.

Almost anyone above the age of 20 prefers tradition to silly cartoon names and badges. If Leeds dropped the Rhino motif I don’t think they would lose a penny, in fact I recon they would only gain. Whilst the prestige of just being Leeds RL would be worth even more.

Get rid, grow up and show some pride in the past and some faith in the future. We are a traditional and prestigious sport, we don’t need it anymore, as with imagination we can and should make our past work for us.

Statistics: Posted by vastman — Wed Jan 16, 2019 11:01 pm


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