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Wakefield Trinity • Posts

newgroundb4wakey wrote:

First of all why do so many threads turn to Cas v Wakey fests? :? Think this probably deserves its own thread as there is so much to answer but I'll just say what i know about this mate as its nearing midnight and I have loads of ugly old women to kiss. AFAIK it was 3 clubs (Fev the other) but money was never promised. They were offered/gifted/loaned land to the value of £2million to borrow money against. The land for Cas was at the back of Cas baths (sports fields, so green belt) I don't know where yours or Fev's was but Cas declined the offer. No details were ever explained but what I did question was what would happen in default, ie, Cas borrow £2million against the land but don't pay it back. Who do the money lenders come after, Cas or WMDC. Or do they take the green belt land that was offered as security. I'll try and respond to some of the other stuff tomorrow as best I can. :thumb:

Your right it was in a form of land that the clubs could get loans up to a value of £2m. I think it's been brought up again because Box was on radio just over a week ago and obviously got a few questions chucked his way and he actually said that both us and Cas were given £2m, which makes it sound very different to the casual listener and makes it seem like they've gone above and beyond in all this. He also pointed fingers in other directions as to why Newmarket hasn't been built to original spec, namely the S of S at the time, which is some special kind of buck shifting. Also, don't remember anything about Fev getting any land to borrow against, could be wrong mind, because both our money was on the precursor that it went towards new grounds. Didn't your stadium plans at the time fall through at Glasshoughton not long after anyway?

There's a thread with a bit of discussion about what Box said on the radio here.
As for your question, someone from the Trust may be able to answer, that's if they post anymore on here.

Statistics: Posted by Shifty Cat — Tue Jan 01, 2019 7:29 pm — Replies 14 — Views 2510



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