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Toronto Wolfpack • Test in Denver: Expansion

Canoeman wrote:

Well it appears all the Nay Sayers and forever negative people on expansion have it all wrong again (yet again). The gate is improving and it should be a good crowd for a great game in Denver....Toronto setting big crowds.....when will the anti- expansionists just admit that they were wrong, the game needs to change and the main change should be hitting the throttle for a full NA expansion based on the proven concept of TWP?
Oh, probably never.....because that means they would have to admit they were incorrect, so they would sacrifice the good of our great game for ego.
Time to get moving on expansion in NA; need to have an announcement on the next franchise soon or we lose the momentum.

Well looks like it is going to be a great success over here with a crowd of roughly 26 000....more than they would have drawn in Great Britain...go figure.....time to get moving on expansion, opportunity knocks.

Statistics: Posted by Canoeman — Thu Jun 21, 2018 9:59 pm — Replies 1 — Views 39


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