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British Judo Welcome EJU Head of Kata Commission for Seminar

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British Judo hosted an EJU Kata Seminar led by Dr Slavisa Bradic (known as Brada)  7th Dan EJU Head of the EJU Kata Commission last week in conjunction with the British Kata Championships.

Brada was a very engaging and knowledgeable presenter and his passion for judo was inspirational to all attending. There was a unique, positive atmospheric buzz about the dojo with all delegates eager to learn. We were also delighted to have British Judo Kata Pioneer Mick Leigh 9th Dan in attendance, who thoroughly enjoyed the seminar.

Subjects covered included:-

  • Analysis of Nage-no-kata
  • Analysis of Katame-no-kata
  • Analysis of Kodokan Goshin-jutsu
  • EJU “Kata for Children” project

There were many aims for the seminar but mainly it was focussed on the training and development of Kata competitors, judges, examiners and coaches, looking at EJU/IJF assessment standards, both theoretical and practical knowledge of the 3 selected Kata, along with methods of training and practical judging.

During the seminar, the 2024 National medallists in each Kata demonstrated their Kata and Brada used the demonstrations to improve their own personal performance and also to indicate how judges assess the varying level of mistakes and for coaches how to correct these mistakes. All seminar delegates had the opportunity to discuss various individual elements and principles of the Kata and there was some lively debate.

Brada also covered the Kodokan Judo learning methods of:

  • Randori
  • Kata
  • Kogi
  • Mondo

Everyone agreed that they gained a vast amount of knowledge and a greater insight to the judging process for kata.

Kata for Children was the final presentation, and Brada explained the value of Kata in the development of judo skills and values giving greater opportunities for children to learn the basics of judo. The seminar concluded with “Thank You” Gifts to Brada and EJU certificates were presented to all. We all look forward to a return visit soon.

Kata Commission Executive Lead Dave Horton-Jones commentedThis was a great opportunity for a smaller group of kata judoka to develop their own particular skills whether as a competitor, examiner, judge or coach.  The feedback received after the seminar has been excellent and truly encouraging for the future of BJA Kata.”

Dr Llyr Jones, Kata Commission Chair commentedIt was fantastic to have a leader in judo technical education like Brada deliver a kata seminar for BJA judoka.  The session was a real masterclass, and everybody, no matter how experienced learnt something new to take away and apply to their own judo.  We look forwards to having more events with Dr Bradic in the future.”

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The post British Judo Welcome EJU Head of Kata Commission for Seminar first appeared on British Judo.

The post British Judo Welcome EJU Head of Kata Commission for Seminar appeared first on British Judo.


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