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Herniated Disc Treatment: Risky & Safe Options

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Herniated Disc TreatmentHerniated disc treatment is not always a simple fix. There are many options, all not being equal. While some cases respond to conservative treatments like medication and physical therapy, others are earmarked for surgical intervention. These, however, present limitations and risks.To provide you with the knowledge you need, we present an overview of different treatment options and their effectiveness, risks, and side effects. Finally, we will highlight an advanced minimally invasive procedure that offers superior outcomes compared to conventional approaches.How Is A Herniated Disc Treated?Doctors will recommend many different approaches. That said, it’s important to be discerning, as some are more effective than others, while some present challenges best avoided with the right method.MedicationsMedications are often prescribed to manage the pain and inflammation associated with a herniated disc. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can help reduce infla...


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