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Targeted Therapy for Sports Hernia Relief | Portea

what is a sports hernia?A sports hernia, now commonly referred to as athletic pubalgia, is a soft tissue injury in the groin area, often caused by repetitive stress or sudden movements common in high-intensity sports. Unlike traditional hernias, a sports hernia does not involve a protrusion of tissue or organs through a weak spot. Instead, it involves tears or inflammation of the muscles, tendons, or ligaments attached to the pubic bone.common symptoms of a sports hernia:Chronic groin pain, usually on one side.Pain during sudden movements like sprinting, cutting, or twisting.Tenderness near the pubic bone.Pain when sneezing, coughing, or performing core exercises.Discomfort while squeezing the thighs together or bending at the hips.Sports hernias are most prevalent in athletes participating in sports like soccer, hockey, and track but can also affect fitness enthusiasts and non-athletes.what causes sports hernias?A sports hernia results from repetitive stress on the groin area or imbal...


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