What Happens if a Hernia is Left Untreated? | Complete Care
First things first, for those wondering what happens if a hernia is left untreated, it’s important to seek prompt medical attention for this common condition. Without proper treatment, hernias can develop serious and potentially life-threatening complications that may require emergency surgery. These risks include:Strangulation stems from the blood supply to the trapped tissue being cut off completely.Incarceration occurs when herniated tissue becomes trapped and can’t move back to its proper position.Ruptures involve the hernia tearing, causing internal bleeding and severe infection risk.Bowel obstructions occur when a blockage in the digestive system prevents proper function.Enlargement of a hernia can make it much more difficult to repair.Chronic pain and ongoing discomfort can limit daily activities and quality of life.Don’t let uncertainty about a hernia keep you from getting the care you need. At Complete Care, our emergency-trained physicians at all of our ER locations are ready...