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Star Wars: 12 Ways The Special Editions Changed The Original Trilogy

The Star Wars franchise existed in a few different forms over the years. George Lucas previously revealed that "films never get finished, they get abandoned," which seemed to have led to his return to the original trilogy. In 1997, the original trilogy was re-released for a whole new audience to enjoy. RELATED: Every Star Wars Movie And TV Show In Chronological Order The Special Edition re-release of the original Star Wars trilogy featured several new shots and sometimes controversial changes. This led many fans to question the integrity of the new versions, making the original cuts even more valuable to collectors. A few of the biggest changes from the Special Edition sparked ongoing discussions with fans for years. Updated on October 2, 2022 by Scoot Allan: Disney+ released a trailer for a new documentary that featured footage from the original theatrical cut of the Star Wars original trilogy. It only continued to highlight some fans' desire to see a re-release of the original trilog...


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