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Lipstick Plant – Care and Propagation

118 SharesLipstick plant is a beginner friendly houseplant that is often overlooked and underrated. I got both of my plants as small cuttings in trades, not because I sought it out, but because it just happened to be there and was basically free. What did I have to lose? Nothing! And I had everything to gain – a huge appreciation for this beautiful, versatile and easy to grow plant that flowers! If you don’t have a lipstick plant in your collection, I’d highly encourage you to add one. Lipstick plant or Aeschynanthus Vine is (flowers aside) similar to hoya but without the ever increasing price tag. Admittedly, the flowers aren’t as incredible as hoya flowers but they bloom more reliably and I find them to be quite amusing little blossoms. They look like singing mouths with a pair of buck teeth – like something out of Alice in Wonderland. I’m always up for a bit of whimsy and Lipstick plant has it in spades. Lipstick plant varietiesThere are a number of interesting varieties of Aeschyna...


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