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4.Coloring the Background “Color Manga Guide [PRO/EX] #4” by ClipStudioOfficial - Make better art | CLIP STUDIO TIPS

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Compatible with Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.10.10 As with the characters, you will color the background in Frames 1 and 3. Changing the Saturated Lines Edit the [Saturated line layer] you created according to the monochrome manga guide. 1 Click the [▼] mark next to the [Frame Border folder] on the [Layer] palette to close the folder. 2 Select the "Dark saturated line(curve)" layer and change the [Expression color] from [Monochrome] to [Color] on the [Layer Property] palette. 3 Select the [Object] sub tool from the [Operation] tool and configure the settings on the [Tool Property] palette as shown below. Select dark pink as the [Main color] on the [Color Wheel] palette. This color is also applied as the [Main color] on the [Tool Property] palette. [Memo] The above settings have been changed to express the saturated lines suitably for a color manga. To configure the same settings as in the monochrome manga guide, use the settings in "Draw a Manga CLIP STUDIO PAINT: Monochrome Guide" → "Inki...


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