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101Resources Archives - Pet Basics

This page was written by Morpheus#2735 and last edited on 2023-03-09.Welcome to the Pet Basics Section of the Ferricord FAQ! On this page, we'll be focusing on all things related to Pet Basics and you can use the Table of Contents below to quickly jump to a specific section however, if you're new to Pet Making, we highly recommend reading this FAQ Section in order.This page will likely be pretty long, so if you'd rather a quick and compact overview of Pet Basics, please check out the Wenius' Pet Guides playlist here or watch specific videos linked in each corresponding section below.If you're looking for information on Isolated Pools, Exclusive and Retired Pet Bodies, and Pet Combat and Adventure Talents, please visit the Advanced Pets Section here.What to Know Before Making Your First PetWhat is a 4(20) Pet?Why Do 4(20) Pets Matter and How Do I Get One?What is a 2.0 Pet?Why Do 2.0 Pets Matter?What is Wow Factor?How Do I Determine Wow Factor?What to Know When Looking for Pets to Hatch...


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