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Paul Hollywood's Soda Bread (No Yeast) - My Gorgeous Recipes

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Jump to Recipe Jump to Video Print RecipePaul Hollywood's Soda Bread is a fantastic homemade crusty bread with no yeast, no kneading, and you get golden heaven on your table in only 40 minutes. A great traditional Irish recipe for St Patrick's Day, this bread is made with white and wholemeal flour, soda and buttermilk, and it's the best bread you can get.If you love the idea of freshly-baked bread but you dread the whole proving process, and have little time to spare, this is a recipe you will absolutely love. Adapted from the recipe of the one and only Paul Hollywood, this popular Irish soda bread is my new favourite bread to make.Although I really doubt there will be any leftover for the next day, I do find that this bread is amazing on the day you bake, especially when it is still warm.Another great thing about it is that plain flour can be used instead of strong flour. The recipe calls for half amount of plain white flour and half of plain wholemeal flour. Fairly simple, isn't it?...


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