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How to Analyze Your Swing with Michael Breed

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Are you ready to take your video analysis to the next level? Get back in the classroom with Michael Breed to learn how he uses video to analyze set up position, position of the club face in the backswing, delivery position during the downswing, and more crucial points of the swing. Michael Breed is using the V1 PRO desktop software, but you can access the same tools at home with the V1 GOLF app

Don’t have the V1 GOLF app yet? Click here to download and start your free 7 day trial.

Breed starts off with covering the two traditional camera angles, face on and down the line. He recommends using both angles during your practice to maximize your analysis. We’ll share two of the swing faults he’s using video analysis to identify and correct, but check out the whole video at the end of this blog post for even more great tips. 

Need some help setting up your camera angle? Check out this guide.


Face-On View

Reminder: Position camera so the club is always visible during your swing. It is vital to see everything your club and body are doing during the swing!

Swing fault: Slide without rotation 

Hip slide can cause you to compensate in other areas of the swing because your lower body has transferred laterally rather than rotationally. 

Use two lines on either side of your hips to help show how much your hips are shifting during your backswing. Ideally, your hips will stay within the lines as you rotate your hips to generate power instead of shifting. (09:50)


Down-the-Line View 

Reminder: Proper, consistent camera set up will help you analyze your swing over time so you can see your improvement session to session. 

Swing fault: Open club face 

Breed uses the DTL view to take a close look at what the club face is doing at first parallel, or where the shaft is parallel to the ground in the backswing. (23:04)

Using two lines, one down the club face and one perpendicular, you can clearly see how the club face is orientating during the backswing. Ideally, the line stays pointed into the ground as the club face stays closed. This way, you don’t have to make an additional movement to compensate and close the club face on your downswing. 

There is a lot more to learn in Breed’s segment so set aside some time to listen to the whole conversation and watch how Breed uses video to analyze swings. Then, try out some of his suggestions on your own swing in the V1 GOLF app




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