Match day Coppers (1 reply)
Don't get to see many around these days outside of their squad cars; the only time I see them in any real numbers is coming down the Cov Rd post-match, so yesterday I took it upon myself to do a visual inspection as I passed them.
85-90%, at a guess I'd say, smart and looking physically fit enough for the job if anything kicked off, but blimey, a fair few looking like they'd just crawled out of bed and absolutely emaciated; scrawny little fellahs wrapped in uniforms far too big for them, flapping around their legs and torsos. I was seriously considering giving a couple of poor souls a tenner to buy a McDonalds across the way, but I'd probably have got nicked for taking the piss. Come on WMP, give the poor wretches a decent meal once in a while or, at the very least, find them a uniform that fits.
85-90%, at a guess I'd say, smart and looking physically fit enough for the job if anything kicked off, but blimey, a fair few looking like they'd just crawled out of bed and absolutely emaciated; scrawny little fellahs wrapped in uniforms far too big for them, flapping around their legs and torsos. I was seriously considering giving a couple of poor souls a tenner to buy a McDonalds across the way, but I'd probably have got nicked for taking the piss. Come on WMP, give the poor wretches a decent meal once in a while or, at the very least, find them a uniform that fits.