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Buying tickets online (12 replies)

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Some advice needed or pointers on who I can email at the club to resolve this issue would be much appreciated.
This isn't really any game specific, just a general issue I've had this season on the odd occasion I've tried to get an away ticket.

So both my dad & I are season tickets holders and we both seem to have the same issue, which is basically, although we're able go to club website & then click on buy tickets & login ok (It recognises my name, my network & client reference numbers, it's as though the site doesn't recognise us as season ticket holders. It happened to me when trying to get Huddersfield and Bolton tickets where the site says that 'the event isn't available to you.' It hasn't been a huge issue because I've managed to get on the phone & order them, but it would be nice to have the convenience of being able to order online. This happens in the app as well as the main site on my laptop.
Any ideas?


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