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7 things adult riders who have ponies are sick of hearing

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If you’re an equestrian who has been blessed with the “short” gene and don’t appear to have grown in height or width since your 11th birthday, it is quite possible that your mount of choice is a pony.

For the small riders out there, a pony can be much more appealing than a sizeable 16.2hh – and there is a the fact that your legs barely reach the bottom of the saddle flap on something over 15hh.

While most can see the positives of having a pint-sized companion – cheaper to run and equally as fun – there are somethings that adults on ponies can get a little fed up of hearing…

1. Don’t you want a proper horse?

Maybe not intended to be offensive, but you can be sure pony owners will take offence. Just because he lacks a little height does not mean we can’t do all the same events as you. Lets spread the love for all shapes and sizes.

2. Your pony is SO cute

Of course he’s cute, but he’s also an absolute machine across country and will hands down out-trot any other horse on the yard. He’s not just a pretty face.

3. And you look SO cute on him!

Jodhpur boots are so on trend right now.

4. Ponies are so much easier to keep than horses

Wrong! We all know that a pony’s brain works a lot faster than a horse’s. They are renowned for their cheeky and characterful natures. The probability that my ride is going to do a Houdini and escape from the field at an inconvenient time is a lot higher than yours. And let’s not get started on the stress of feeding him for the competition season when he puts on a gut just looking at a blade of grass.

5. It’s not fair, you get to compete against children

Have you seen how competitive those kids are? A lack of fear and no worry about adult responsibilities makes them formidable competitors, so don’t assume we’ve got an easy ride to those red rosettes.

6. It’s not fair, I wish I could ride a pony

It’s also not fair that I’m so short I can’t consider owing something over 14.2hh as I would look like a pea on a drum.

7. Do you share him with your son or daughter?

Nope. And please don’t assume I have a child just because I have a pony.

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