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National HBPA Statement on Florida Live Racing Decoupling

The National Horsemen’s Benevolent and Protective Association (NHBPA) finds it necessary to address a recent press release highlighted in a BloodHorse article regarding decoupling from live racing in Florida.

The press release from Gulfstream Park (“1/ST”) contains inaccuracies pertaining to the Gulfstream horsemen and their affiliation. The NHBPA wishes to clarify that the Gulfstream horsemen’s association is not an NHBPA affiliate. While this association had previously been an affiliate, it agreed to discontinue the use of the name “Horsemen’s Benevolent and Protective Association.”

The NHBPA, along with its affiliates—including the Tampa Bay HBPA—and many other horsemen across Florida, cannot currently support the proposed changes to Chapter 550. At this time, these changes do not appear to offer any favorable provisions for horsemen.

For years, the NHBPA has consistently opposed decoupling from live racing, as it is detrimental to the health and welfare of the horseracing industry. We remain committed to protecting the interests of horsemen and the future of live racing and for these reasons we oppose the proposed changes to Chapter 550 of Florida statutes.

The post National HBPA Statement on Florida Live Racing Decoupling appeared first on National HBPA.


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